Chappaqua Congress of Teachers benefit fund
Proudly Serving Our Members' Needs

Raymond Opticians is offering a voucher (one per family)
for a free eye exam and pair of glasses that can be given to anyone.
Any CCTBF member that has been serviced by
Raymond Opticians this plan year should be receiving
their voucher in the mail soon.
The included frame selection from Raymond Opticians has been expanded to include more selected designer frames than ever before.
There are two ways to use your Vision Care Benefit.
Raymond Opticians (Preferred Provider - claim form will be filled out by them)
Out-of-Network (OON) Provider (this claim form will need to be submitted)
See details below:
Effective June 1, 2020, the Fund reestablished vision coverage through Raymond Opticians. Under this program, members and eligible dependents have the option of utilizing an in-network provider (Raymond Opticians.)
If an in-network provider is utilized, the plan will provide enhanced benefit.
If a member chooses not to use a network provider, he/she is able to use any vision provider.
Vision Care Cash Deductible – None (Each Covered Person – per Plan Year)
Payment Percentage – The plan pays 100% of the Schedule shown below:
Eye Examination, Non-Medical Diagnosis: $ 75
Frames: $150
Designer Frame Credit (see brochure)
A. Single $ 80
B. Bi-focal $120
C. Progressive $200
D. Contacts $250
A Routine Eye Examination is covered once every 12-months.
Benefits Eyeglasses/Contact Lenses are paid once every 12 months.
Dependents up to age 25 with proof of full-time student status which is defined as carrying at least 12 credits.
The plan will only pay amounts up to the actual charge and is not responsible for charges in excess of the schedule. Glasses are covered if a visual deficiency exists.
Raymond Opticians
Arrangements have been made with Raymond Opticians to provide the following benefits to all eligible members and their eligible dependents:
Comprehensive eye exam
Choice of approximately 500 of the most fashionable frames on the market at no cost
U.V., scratch-coating and tinting at no additional cost
Contact lenses standard daily wear, full year supply
A second pair of eyeglasses, single vision, or prescription sunglasses, from a special selection of frames, at no additional cost.
The plan offers the services of a group of participating providers.
By using one of these providers, you and your eligible dependents will be able to receive a vision examination and glasses with no out-of-pocket expense.
The program offers a large selection of frames and lenses from which you may choose. If you decide not to choose from this selection, you will have to pay the provider the difference.
This link is for current offerings from Raymond Optical for active members.